A Little TLC Infant Massage

A Little TLC teaches baby massage to parents & carers. Learn to sooth, settle and bond with your baby through touch!

Touch is the first form of communication and A Little TLC can help you learn how to effectively communicate with your baby - helping to soothe, settle and bond with your baby through touch.

A Little TLC teaches baby massage to parents and carers in:
- Evans Head (Private or group class bookings)
- Maclean/Yamba (Private or group class bookings)
- Grafton, Lismore, Ballina & surrounds (Private or group class bookings by arrangement)

Holly Layland is a qualified IMIS Infant Massage Instructor, and equally importantly is a mum to two young children. Holly has seen firsthand the benefits that massage therapies had to her own children and is now excited to have gained further experience and qualifications to share these techniques with other parents.

A Little TLC Infant Massage course is available in either organized group sessions or as private, in-home lessons. Babies at any age are welcome, from newborn to preschool age. During these classes, parents and caregivers will learn the skills to confidently massage their own babies

Infant Massage is shown to enhance both physical and emotional development and, in addition, can bring relief to complaints of colic, constipation, respiratory disorders and sleeping difficulties. Contact Holly for more information on her Infant Massage classes and learn to soothe, settle and bond with your baby through touch!

Holly's Infant Massage course runs over 4 weeks, comprising of 4 X 1 hr sessions.

Introductory Rates:
Group Class - $25 per session (total of $100 for the 4 sessions)
Private Classes - Total of $140 (run over 2 weeks with 2 X 1.5hr sessions)
Colic/Wind/Constipation sessions (private): $60 (1 hour session)

Introductory basic 1 hours sessions are also available and are great for play groups!

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